SPARK for Home Schoolers
Let's SPARK!
Preferred ages: Middle and High School
We can offer a SPARK Workshop to a group of home school students, and see who is most excited and engaged. Those who want to have support and resources to impact their world would then become Kidstarters and work individually on projects, externally from the classroom environment. This takes the responsibility off the parent or teacher to manage the project and put that on the Kidstarter and their coach. Club leaders and classmates can engage at their level of choosing.
Often parents want to do a service project with their cohort of other home school students , but struggle with engagement and buy-in from the students. Our SPARK workshop can help mitigate that. SPARK would be offered to the whole group, and allow the students to self-select the leaders for their group project -- those who are most excited, passionate, and ready-to-go after the SPARK. The cause that the leader(s)'s is most passionate about would end up being the groups cause. The Kidstarter(s) would still be paired with a coach, so the responsibility would be taken off the parent (however, parents can be engaged at the level they want to be) and put on the Kidstarter and coach. We believe this method to work really well in raising up leaders within kids who ordinarily wouldn't be seen as leaders. It also takes the pressure off the parent to select a cause that engages all students. By letting the students select the cause (with guidance), you end up with a more engaging project.
We can offer a SPARK Workshop to a group of home school students, and see who is most excited and engaged. Those who want to have support and resources to impact their world would then become Kidstarters and work individually on projects, externally from the classroom environment. This takes the responsibility off the parent or teacher to manage the project and put that on the Kidstarter and their coach. Club leaders and classmates can engage at their level of choosing.
Often parents want to do a service project with their cohort of other home school students , but struggle with engagement and buy-in from the students. Our SPARK workshop can help mitigate that. SPARK would be offered to the whole group, and allow the students to self-select the leaders for their group project -- those who are most excited, passionate, and ready-to-go after the SPARK. The cause that the leader(s)'s is most passionate about would end up being the groups cause. The Kidstarter(s) would still be paired with a coach, so the responsibility would be taken off the parent (however, parents can be engaged at the level they want to be) and put on the Kidstarter and coach. We believe this method to work really well in raising up leaders within kids who ordinarily wouldn't be seen as leaders. It also takes the pressure off the parent to select a cause that engages all students. By letting the students select the cause (with guidance), you end up with a more engaging project.